bug #19 back? (Carriage Returns Wreak Havoc on Windoze)

From: Volle <v.volle@computer.org>
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 14:17:29 GMT


I am using cvs2cl.pl for the first time and it seems that
an old bug is back:

   bug #19 caused by binmode under windows.

After I readded the line (diff see below):


it worked. This line has been present until
2.54 and seems to have disappeared in 2.55.

Here you find the context diff from CVS:

Index: cvs2cl.pl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/cvs2cl/cvs2cl.pl,v
retrieving revision 2.55
diff -w -b -c -r2.55 cvs2cl.pl
*** cvs2cl.pl 15 May 2004 20:09:14 -0000 2.55
--- cvs2cl.pl 6 Jun 2004 14:19:09 -0000
*** 1939,1944 ****
--- 1939,1945 ----
    while (<LOG_SOURCE>) {
+ s/\r//;
      # If on a new file and don't see filename, skip until we find it, and

Victor Volle
Received on Sun Jun 6 14:15:37 2004

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