Contributors as of r1924100

The following list of contributors and their contributions is meant to help us keep track of whom to consider for commit access. The list was generated from "svn log" output by, which looks for log messages that use the special contribution format.

Please do not use this list as a generic guide to who has contributed what to Subversion! It omits existing full committers, for example, because they are irrelevant to our search for new committers. Also, it merely counts changes, it does not evaluate them. To truly understand what someone has contributed, you have to read their changes in detail. This page can only assist human judgement, not substitute for it.

  1. David Summers <> (dws) [359 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  2. Øyvind A. Holm <> (sunny256) [353 patches] (partial committer)

  3. Stefan Reichör <> (xsteve) [287 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  4. Kobayashi Noritada <> (nori) [279 patches, 4 non-patches] (partial committer)

  5. Grzegorz A. Hankiewicz <> (gradha) [228 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  6. Fabien Coelho <> (fabien) [225 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  7. Joe Swatosh <> (joeswatosh) [186 patches, 33 non-patches] (partial committer)

  8. Dongsheng Song <> (dongsheng) [195 patches] (partial committer)

  9. Chia-liang Kao <> (clkao) [180 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  10. joe [148 patches]

  11. Michael Price <> (mprice) [139 patches] (partial committer)

  12. Ramkumar Ramachandra <> (artagnon) [130 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  13. anonymous [122 patches]

  14. Jostein Andersen <> (josander) [121 patches] (partial committer)

  15. Patrick Mayweg <> (pmayweg) [113 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  16. Nicolás Lichtmaier <> (niqueco) [110 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  17. Alexander Müller <> (xela) [109 patches] (partial committer)

  18. Giorgio Valoti <> (giorgio_valoti) [101 patches] (partial committer)

  19. Gabriela Gibson <> (gbg) [99 patches, 4 non-patches] (partial committer)

  20. Russell Yanofsky <> (rey4) [91 patches] (partial committer)

  21. Mattias Engdegård <> (mattiase) [83 patches, 9 non-patches] (partial committer)

  22. Lübbe Onken <> (luebbe) [82 patches, 6 non-patches] (partial committer)

  23. Jens Seidel <> (jensseidel) [81 patches, 8 non-patches] (partial committer)

  24. Vladimir Berezniker <> (vmpn) [78 patches] (partial committer)

  25. Madan U S <> (madanus) [64 patches, 19 non-patches] (partial committer)

  26. Noorul Islam K M <> [69 patches, 8 non-patches]

  27. Marcos Chaves <> (marcosc) [67 patches] (partial committer)

  28. Yoshiki Hayashi <> (yoshiki) [66 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  29. Charles Acknin <> (cacknin) [66 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  30. Bhuvaneswaran A <> (bhuvan) [62 patches, 6 non-patches] (partial committer)

  31. Rubén Gómez <> (ruben) [56 patches] (partial committer)

  32. Michael Haggerty <> (mhagger) [55 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  33. Roderich Schupp <> (rschupp) [54 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  34. Eric Hanchrow <> (offby1) [55 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  35. Guo Rui <> (firemeteor) [53 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  36. Sage LaTorra <> (sage) [52 patches] (partial committer)

  37. Jelmer Vernooij <> (jrvernooij) [49 patches, 4 non-patches] (partial committer)

  38. Giovanni Bajo <> (giovannibajo) [35 patches, 31 non-patches] (partial committer)

  39. Wei-Hon Chen <> (plasma) [50 patches] (partial committer)

  40. Hojin Choi <> (pynoos) [50 patches] (partial committer)

  41. Prabhu Gnana Sundar <> (prabhugs) [41 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  42. Nik Clayton <> (nikclayton) [35 patches] (partial committer)

  43. Mathias Weinert <> (wein) [35 patches] (partial committer)

  44. Martin Furter <> (mf) [32 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  45. kellin [30 patches]

  46. Arwin Arni <> (arwin) [29 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  47. Senthil Kumaran <> [29 patches]

  48. Ph. Marek <> (pmarek) [26 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  49. Raman Gupta <> (rocketraman) [25 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  50. Marcel Gosselin <> (marcelg) [26 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  51. Pavel Lyalyakin <> (lyalyakin) [26 patches] (partial committer)

  52. Masaru Tsuchiyama <> [20 patches, 12 non-patches]

  53. Vijayaguru G <> [24 patches, 3 non-patches]

  54. Michael W Thelen <> (mthelen) [24 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  55. Kannan R <> [23 patches, 3 non-patches]

  56. Alexander Thomas <> [23 patches, 3 non-patches]

  57. David Waite <> (mass) [24 patches] (partial committer)

  58. bkorb [22 patches]

  59. John Peacock <> (jpeacock) [21 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  60. Joe Schaefer <> (joes) [21 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  61. Eric S. Raymond <> (esr) [22 patches] (partial committer)

  62. Alexey Neyman <> (stilor) [17 patches, 6 non-patches] (partial committer)

  63. Edmund Wong <> [18 patches, 1 non-patch]

  64. jrobbins [18 patches]

  65. Shlomi Fish <> (shlomif) [18 patches] (partial committer)

  66. S. Ramaswamy <> [16 patches, 3 non-patches]

  67. Markus Schaber <> (schabi) [12 patches, 11 non-patches] (partial committer)

  68. Chris Foote <> [16 patches, 3 non-patches]

  69. YingNing Huang <> (hynnet) [17 patches] (partial committer)

  70. Ashod Nakashian <> (ashod) [17 patches] (partial committer)

  71. Marko Maček <> (mmacek) [16 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  72. Bhuvaneswaran Arumugam <> [16 patches, 1 non-patch]

  73. Kai Nacke <> (knacke) [16 patches] (partial committer)

  74. Holden Karau <> (holden) [16 patches] (partial committer)

  75. Dustin J. Mitchell <> (dustin) [12 patches, 8 non-patches] (partial committer)

  76. Coverity <> [31 non-patches]

  77. Jeong Seolin <> (blueboh) [15 patches] (partial committer)

  78. Neels Hofmeyr <> [14 patches, 1 non-patch]

  79. Sigfred Håversen <> (sigfred) [12 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  80. Alexandr Miloslavskiy <> (amiloslavskiy) [13 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  81. Simon Perreault <> (nomis80) [13 patches] (partial committer)

  82. Karl Heinz Marbaise <> (khmarbaise) [12 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  83. Jack Repenning <> (jrepenning) [10 patches, 6 non-patches] (partial committer)

  84. Martin Hauner <> [11 patches, 3 non-patches]

  85. Gavin McDonald <> (gmcdonald) [12 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  86. Wilfredo Sánchez <> (wsanchez) [10 patches, 4 non-patches] (partial committer)

  87. Troy Simpson <> (ebswift) [12 patches] (partial committer)

  88. Sergey A. Lipnevich <> (sergeyli) [12 patches] (partial committer)

  89. David Kågedal <> (dkagedal) [12 patches] (partial committer)

  90. Sergey Raevskiy <> [11 patches, 1 non-patch]

  91. Mason Thomas <> [11 patches, 1 non-patch]

  92. Marcus Comstedt <> [11 patches, 1 non-patch]

  93. Dan Christian <> [10 patches, 3 non-patches]

  94. Martin Tomes <> (martinto) [11 patches] (partial committer)

  95. Larry Shatzer <> [11 patches]

  96. Jens Peters <> [9 patches, 3 non-patches]

  97. Vivek Chenecharry <> [9 patches, 2 non-patches]

  98. Ed Price <> [9 patches, 2 non-patches]

  99. Diego Brouard <> (dbrouard) [10 patches] (partial committer)

  100. Marcus Rueckert <> [7 patches, 5 non-patches]

  101. Jon Middleton <> [9 patches, 1 non-patch]

  102. François Beausoleil <> [9 patches, 1 non-patch]

  103. Dmitry Pavlenko <> [7 patches, 5 non-patches]

  104. Archie Cobbs <> (archiecobbs) [9 patches, 1 non-patch] (partial committer)

  105. Michael Ballbach <> (ballbach) [9 patches] (partial committer)

  106. Matthijs Kooijman <> [9 patches]

  107. Kevin Radke <> (kmradke) [8 patches, 2 non-patches] (partial committer)

  108. HuiHuang <> [9 patches]

  109. Gustavo Niemeyer <> (niemeyer) [9 patches] (partial committer)

  110. Gerhard Oettl <> (gerhardoettl) [9 patches] (partial committer)

  111. VK Sameer <> [8 patches, 1 non-patch]

  112. Olaf Hering <> [8 patches, 1 non-patch]

  113. Joshua Varner <> (jlvarner) [7 patches, 3 non-patches] (partial committer)

  114. trow [8 patches]

  115. Zack Brown <> (zbrown) [8 patches] (partial committer)

  116. Timofey Zhakov (tima {at} chemodax _dot_ net) [8 patches]

  117. Richard Lewis <> [8 patches]

  118. Morten Kloster <> (moklo) [8 patches] (partial committer)

  119. Mo DeJong <> [8 patches]

  120. Jon Foster <> [5 patches, 6 non-patches]

  121. Danny Trebbien <> [7 patches, 1 non-patch]

  122. Vladimir Prus <> [7 patches]

  123. Rock Sun <> (rocksun) [7 patches] (partial committer)

  124. MIYOKAWA, Nobuyoshi <> (nmiyo) [7 patches] (partial committer)

  125. Augie Fackler <> [7 patches]

  126. Arthur de Jong <> (adejong) [7 patches] (partial committer)

  127. Alexander Kitaev <> [4 patches, 6 non-patches]

  128. julianf [13 non-patches]

  129. Thomas Åkesson <> [6 patches]

  130. Philipp Kloke <> [12 non-patches]

  131. Luke Call <> [6 patches]

  132. Jay Freeman <> [6 patches]

  133. Glenn A. Thompson <> (gthompson) [6 patches] (partial committer)

  134. Denis Kovalchuk <> [6 patches]

  135. Chris Pepper <> [6 patches]

  136. anatoly techtonik <> [4 patches, 3 non-patches]

  137. Uwe Stuehler <> [5 patches, 1 non-patch]

  138. Sander Rijken <> [3 patches, 5 non-patches]

  139. Rafael Garcia-Suarez <> [5 patches, 1 non-patch]

  140. Marc Haesen <> [3 patches, 5 non-patches]

  141. svn [5 patches]

  142. rpluem [5 patches]

  143. kbob [5 patches]

  144. Scott Lamb <> [5 patches]

  145. Ryan Schmidt <> [4 patches, 2 non-patches]

  146. Patrick Steinhardt <> [4 patches, 2 non-patches]

  147. Michael Wood <> [4 patches, 2 non-patches]

  148. Martin Pool <> [4 patches, 2 non-patches]

  149. MAKL <> [5 patches]

  150. Juanma Barranquero <> [5 patches]

  151. Gábor Szabó <> [5 patches]

  152. Geoff Richards <> [5 patches]

  153. G.J. Doornink <> [5 patches]

  154. Dave Brown <> [5 patches]

  155. Colin Watson <> [3 patches, 4 non-patches]

  156. Byeongcheol Lee <> [5 patches]

  157. Bruce Atherton <> [5 patches]

  158. Barry Scott <> [1 patch, 8 non-patches]

  159. Anthony Ogier <> (aogier) [5 patches] (partial committer)

  160. Alexander Sinyushkin <> [2 patches, 6 non-patches]

  161. none [9 non-patches]

  162. Marc Strapetz <> [3 patches, 3 non-patches]

  163. Jonathan Nieder <> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  164. John Belmonte <> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  165. Greg Thomas <> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  166. Daniel Richard G. <skunk@iSKUNK.ORG> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  167. Conor MacNeill <> [3 patches, 3 non-patches]

  168. Bernd Rinn <> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  169. Alan Wood <> [4 patches, 1 non-patch]

  170. sebb <> (sebb) [3 patches, 2 non-patches]

  171. Toby Johnson <> [4 patches]

  172. Tobias Schäfer <> [4 patches]

  173. Robert Pluim <> [4 patches]

  174. Raphael Kubo da Costa <> [4 patches]

  175. Niall Pemberton <> [4 patches]

  176. Klaus Rennecke <> [4 patches]

  177. Joel Rosdahl <> [4 patches]

  178. Jesper Steen Møller <> (jespersm) [4 patches] (partial committer)

  179. Jeremy Hinds <> [4 patches]

  180. Jaroslaw Zgoda <> (jzgoda) [4 patches] (partial committer)

  181. James Mountifield <> [4 patches]

  182. James Coleman <> [4 patches]

  183. Hideki IWAMOTO <> [3 patches, 2 non-patches]

  184. Dmitriy O. Popkov <> (dimentiy) [4 patches] (partial committer)

  185. Daniel Patterson <> (danpat) [4 patches] (partial committer)

  186. Daniel Gruno <> (humbedooh) [4 patches] (partial committer)

  187. Christopher Ness <> [3 patches, 2 non-patches]

  188. Christian Schaffner <> [4 patches]

  189. C. Scott Ananian <> [4 patches]

  190. Brian Denny <> [4 patches]

  191. Brandon Ehle <> [4 patches]

  192. Alex Waugh <> [4 patches]

  193. Simon Large <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  194. Osku Salerma <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  195. Nick Piper <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  196. Michael Sinz <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  197. Konstantin Kolinko <> [1 patch, 5 non-patches]

  198. Jonathan Gilbert <> [2 patches, 3 non-patches]

  199. Gareth McCaughan <> [2 patches, 3 non-patches]

  200. Fumitoshi UKAI <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  201. Erik Sjölund <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  202. Daniel <> [2 patches, 3 non-patches]

  203. Benjamin Pflugmann <> [3 patches, 1 non-patch]

  204. Øyvind Møll <> (oyvindmo) [3 patches] (partial committer)

  205. Yasuhito FUTATSUKI <futatuki at> [3 patches]

  206. Yann Hodique <> [3 patches]

  207. Uwe Zeisberger <> [3 patches]

  208. Travis P <> [2 patches, 2 non-patches]

  209. TortoiseSVN crash dump [6 non-patches]

  210. Robert Spier <> [3 patches]

  211. Peter Gervai <> [3 patches]

  212. Michael Suess <> [3 patches]

  213. Max Okumoto <> [3 patches]

  214. Mark Stead <> [3 patches]

  215. Mark Eichin <> [1 patch, 4 non-patches]

  216. Larry Shatzer, Jr. <> (larrys) [3 patches] (partial committer)

  217. Khairul Azhar Kasmiran <> [3 patches]

  218. Jun Omae <jun66j5 at> [3 patches]

  219. John R. Daily <> [3 patches]

  220. John Gardiner Myers <> [3 patches]

  221. Henner Zeller <> [1 patch, 4 non-patches]

  222. Féliciano Matias <> (fmatias) [3 patches] (partial committer)

  223. Fyodor Sheremetyev <> [3 patches]

  224. Erik Logtenberg <> [3 patches]

  225. Eric Dorland <> [3 patches]

  226. Daniel Becroft <> [3 patches]

  227. Christoph Vogtländer <> [3 patches]

  228. André Malo <> [2 patches, 2 non-patches]

  229. Andreas J. Koenig <> [2 patches, 2 non-patches]

  230. Alexy Khrabrov <> [3 patches]

  231. Alex Holst <> [3 patches]

  232. phpxcache [1 patch, 3 non-patches]

  233. philipm [5 non-patches]

  234. Vincent Lefevre (vincent-svn {at} vinc17 dot net) [1 patch, 3 non-patches]

  235. Tim Van Holder <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  236. OCD [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  237. Norbert Unterberg <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  238. Mike Henderson <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  239. Matthew Gregan <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  240. Kyle McKay <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  241. Jeyanthan <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  242. Jeff Trawick <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  243. Honey George <> [5 non-patches]

  244. Gerco Ballintijn <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  245. Edward S. Marshall <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  246. Daniele Nicolodi <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  247. Alan Barrett <> [2 patches, 1 non-patch]

  248. using tools/dev/ [4 non-patches]

  249. svn-windows-local buildbot [4 non-patches]

  250. stefanfuhrmann < at > [2 patches]

  251. lefty [2 patches]

  252. julianfoad. [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  253. [2 patches]

  254. XelaRellum [2 patches]

  255. William Nagel <> [2 patches]

  256. Wanrong Lin <> [2 patches]

  257. TortoiseSVN dump [4 non-patches]

  258. Todd Mokros <> [2 patches]

  259. Thomas Koski <> [2 patches]

  260. Thom May <> [2 patches]

  261. Ted Phelps <> [2 patches]

  262. Steve Dwire <> [2 patches]

  263. Stephen Davis <> [2 patches]

  264. Shivani Poddar <> [2 patches]

  265. SharpSvn tests [4 non-patches]

  266. Shaddy Baddah <> [2 patches]

  267. Sebastian Bergmann <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  268. Robert Bihlmeyer <> [2 patches]

  269. Rich Williams <> [2 patches]

  270. Ralph Loader <> [2 patches]

  271. Peter S. Housel <> [2 patches]

  272. Peter Davis <> [2 patches]

  273. Paul Querna <> [2 patches]

  274. Paul Lussier <> [2 patches]

  275. OpenSUSE packagers [2 patches]

  276. Oliver Klozoff <> [2 patches]

  277. Nico Kadel-Garcia <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  278. Nick Peelman <> [2 patches]

  279. Nick Duffek <> (nsd) [2 patches] (partial committer)

  280. MsShu [4 non-patches]

  281. Morten Ludvigsen <> (morten) [2 patches] (partial committer)

  282. Mike Mason <> [2 patches]

  283. Michiel Holtkamp <> [2 patches]

  284. Michal Dobisek <> [2 patches]

  285. Michael Willmott <> [2 patches]

  286. Michael Mounteney <> [2 patches]

  287. Michael Goettsche <> [2 patches]

  288. Matt Craighead <> [2 patches]

  289. Martin Struwe <> [2 patches]

  290. Martin Buchholz <> [2 patches]

  291. Martin A. Brooks <> [2 patches]

  292. Marshall White <> [2 patches]

  293. Mark Reibert <> [2 patches]

  294. Magnus Kessler <> [2 patches]

  295. Maciej (Matchek) Blizinski <> [2 patches]

  296. Liu Yubao <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  297. Lars Müller <> [2 patches]

  298. Kenneth Porter <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  299. Jim Paris <> [2 patches]

  300. Jeroen Ruigrok <> [2 patches]

  301. Jens B. Jorgensen <> [2 patches]

  302. Jan Palus <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  303. Jan Nijtmans <> [2 patches]

  304. Jacob Atzen <> [2 patches]

  305. Ian Brockbank <> [2 patches]

  306. Hao Zhang <> [2 patches]

  307. Hannes Eder <> [2 patches]

  308. Guido Haarmans <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  309. Graham Leggett <> [2 patches]

  310. Geoffrey Alary <> [2 patches]

  311. Florian Weimer <> [2 patches]

  312. Evan Phoenix <> [2 patches]

  313. Eric Miller <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  314. Edmund Horner <> [2 patches]

  315. Doug Brown <> [2 patches]

  316. David Mahakian <> [2 patches]

  317. Danil Shopyrin <> [2 patches]

  318. Daniel Westermann-Clark <> [2 patches]

  319. Cyril Brulebois <> [2 patches]

  320. Craig Peterein <> [2 patches]

  321. Carlos Martín Nieto <> [2 patches]

  322. Bruce A. Mah <> [2 patches]

  323. Bill Wohler <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  324. Ben Smith-Mannschott <> [1 patch, 2 non-patches]

  325. Artem Khodush <> [2 patches]

  326. Artem Egorkine <> [2 patches]

  327. Art Haas <> [2 patches]

  328. Ariel Arjona <> (beerfrick) [2 patches] (partial committer)

  329. zhakov [3 non-patches]

  330. wuzhouhui [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  331. Yasuhito FUTATSUKI <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  332. Vlad Skvortsov <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  333. Tom Brown <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  334. Thiru Kandasamy <> [3 non-patches]

  335. Stuart Celarier <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  336. Stefan Reinauer <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  337. Stefan <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  338. Shun-ichi GOTO <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  339. SharpSvn test suite [3 non-patches]

  340. Ross Mark <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  341. Quinn Taylor <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  342. Piet-Hein Peeters <> [3 non-patches]

  343. Pawel Chmielowski <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  344. Paul Hammant <paul[_AT_]> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  345. Orivej Desh <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  346. NormW <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  347. Michael Osipov <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  348. Matthew Woehlke <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  349. Mark Proctor <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  350. Marcus Harnisch <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  351. Marc Sherman <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  352. Magnus Torfason <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  353. Lev Serebryakov <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  354. Kevin Reid <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  355. Justin Akehurst <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  356. Joshua Kordani (jkordani {AT} roboticresearch dot com) [3 non-patches]

  357. Jon Schewe <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  358. John Lenz <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  359. Johannes Nicolai <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  360. Jason Robbins <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  361. Igor Galic <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  362. Horst Hermanns <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  363. Folker Schamel <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  364. Florian Zumbiehl <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  365. Elchan Aliev <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  366. Doug Robinson <> [3 non-patches]

  367. David O'Brien <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  368. Dave Lawrence <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  369. Brian Inglis <Brian {dot} Inglis {at}> [3 non-patches]

  370. Bengt Bäverman <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  371. Auke Jilderda <> [3 non-patches]

  372. Andy Whitcroft <> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  373. Alexandr Miloslavskiy <alexandr.miloslavskiy {_AT_}> [1 patch, 1 non-patch]

  374. Першин Юрий Петрович <> [1 patch]

  375. [2 non-patches]

  376. wangqi123a [1 patch]

  377. [2 non-patches]

  378. svn-windows-ra buildbot [2 non-patches]

  379. svn-bb-openbsd buildbot [2 non-patches]

  380. support <> [1 patch]

  381. ruz <> [1 patch]

  382. [1 patch]

  383. rjollos [1 patch]

  384. rhuijben (tweaked by me) [1 patch]

  385. minfrin [1 patch]

  386. [2 non-patches]

  387. [1 patch]

  388. matteo [1 patch]

  389. markt [1 patch]

  390. mab [1 patch]

  391. kotkov, jun66j5, rinrab [1 patch]

  392. julianfoad (with minor tweaks by me) [1 patch]

  393. jon <> [1 patch]

  394. [1 patch]

  395. jinfroster <> [1 patch]

  396. intrigeri <> [1 patch]

  397. [1 patch]

  398. [1 patch]

  399. [1 patch]

  400. danielsh (mod_setlocale.c), me (README file) [1 patch]

  401. clang [2 non-patches]

  402. [1 patch]

  403. bd <> [1 patch]

  404. atkawa7 <> [1 patch]

  405. [1 patch]

  406. [1 patch]

  407. Zack Weinberg <> [1 patch]

  408. Yutian Li <hotpxless {_AT_}> [1 patch]

  409. Yun Zheng Hu <> [1 patch]

  410. Yanghui Bian <> [1 patch]

  411. Wouter van der Horst <> [1 patch]

  412. William Uther <> [1 patch]

  413. William Orr <> [1 patch]

  414. Will Andrews <> [1 patch]

  415. Wesley J. Landaker <> [1 patch]

  416. Wei-Yin Chen <> [1 patch]

  417. Warren Konkel <> [2 non-patches]

  418. Walter Nicholls <> [2 non-patches]

  419. Walter Mundt <> [1 patch]

  420. Walter Klust <> [2 non-patches]

  421. Volker Goetz <> [1 patch]

  422. Vladislav Rudenko <> [1 patch]

  423. Vlad Dascalu [1 patch]

  424. Vivek Khera (newline fixes by me, removed part [1 patch]

  425. Vincenzo Reale <smart2128 baslug org> [1 patch]

  426. Vincent Lefevre <vincent-svn {_AT_}> [1 patch]

  427. Vincent Batts <> [1 patch]

  428. Vesa Karvonen <> [1 patch]

  429. Veres Lajos <> [1 patch]

  430. Trollied <> [1 patch]

  431. Torsten Landschoff <> [1 patch]

  432. Tomek Meka <> [1 patch]

  433. Toby Peterson <> [1 patch]

  434. Tobias Bading <> [2 non-patches]

  435. Tim Moloney <> [1 patch]

  436. Tim Gates (timgates42) [1 patch]

  437. Tim Dionne <> [1 patch]

  438. Tilmann Singer <> [1 patch]

  439. Tilman Koschnick <> [1 patch]

  440. Thomas Steinhausen <> [1 patch]

  441. Thomas Singer @ Syntevo [1 patch]

  442. Thomas Heller <> [2 non-patches]

  443. The JavaHL tests [2 non-patches]

  444. Tez Kamihira <> [1 patch]

  445. Takeuchi Yusuke <> [1 patch]

  446. T. Wassermann <> [1 patch]

  447. Sven Mueller <> [1 patch]

  448. Steve Greenland <> [1 patch]

  449. Stephen Oberholtzer <> [1 patch]

  450. Stephen Clouse <> [1 patch]

  451. Stefano Spinucci <> [1 patch]

  452. Stefan Hett < stefan at egosoft . com > [2 non-patches]

  453. Stefan Haller <> [1 patch]

  454. Stanislav Mironov <> [1 patch]

  455. Simon Wilson <> [1 patch]

  456. Simon Olofsson <> [2 non-patches]

  457. Simon Brunning <> [1 patch]

  458. Shay Harding <> [1 patch]

  459. Shaun Johnson <> [1 patch]

  460. Shamim Islam <> [1 patch]

  461. [1 patch]

  462. Sergey Skvortsov [1 patch]

  463. Sergey Proskurnya <> [2 non-patches]

  464. Sergei Trofimovich slyich <at> [1 patch]

  465. Sean Russell <> [1 patch]

  466. Sean Foy <> [1 patch]

  467. Scott McCreary <> (HaikuPorts) [1 patch]

  468. Scott Lawrence <> [1 patch]

  469. Scott Harrison <> [1 patch]

  470. Scott Bradley <> [1 patch]

  471. SASAKI Suguru <> [1 patch]

  472. Ryan Mulder <> [1 patch]

  473. Ryan Cresawn <> [1 patch]

  474. Russell Steicke <> [1 patch]

  475. Rupert Wood <> [1 patch]

  476. Rudi Cilibrasi <> [1 patch]

  477. Roopinder Singh <> [1 patch]

  478. Romulo A. Ceccon <> [1 patch]

  479. Roman Zawada <> [1 patch]

  480. Roman Plessl <> [1 patch]

  481. Roman Kagan <> [1 patch]

  482. Romain Francoise <> [1 patch]

  483. Roland Schwingel <> [1 patch]

  484. Roland Ruedenauer <> [1 patch]

  485. Roland Dreier <> [1 patch]

  486. Roger Talkov <> [1 patch]

  487. Robert Kleemann <> [1 patch]

  488. Rob Walker <> [1 patch]

  489. Ringo De Smet <> [1 patch]

  490. Richard Hartmann <> [1 patch]

  491. Richard Hansen <> (rhansen) [1 patch] (partial committer)

  492. Raymond McCrae <> [1 patch]

  493. Ramanathan Muthaiah <> [1 patch]

  494. Rainer Müller <> [1 patch]

  495. Rainer Jung <> [2 non-patches]

  496. Rafael Ackermann <> [1 patch]

  497. Piotr Pawluczuk <> [1 patch]

  498. [1 patch]

  499. Philipp von Weitershausen <> [1 patch]

  500. Philipp Reisner <> [1 patch]

  501. Philip W. Dalrymple III <> [1 patch]

  502. Petyovský Petr <> [1 patch]

  503. Petter Ahbeck <> [1 patch]

  504. Peter Wemm <> [1 patch]

  505. Peter Toneby <> [1 patch]

  506. Peter Lloyd <> [1 patch]

  507. Peter Ledbrook <> [1 patch]

  508. Peter Allin <> [1 patch]

  509. Pavel Roskin <> [1 patch]

  510. Pavel Hlavnicka <> [1 patch]

  511. Pavel Goran <> [2 non-patches]

  512. Paul Unterberg <> [1 patch]

  513. Paul Smedley <> [1 patch]

  514. Paul Maier <> [2 non-patches]

  515. Paul Gleske <> [1 patch]

  516. Paul Dugas <> [1 patch]

  517. Paul Cook <> [1 patch]

  518. Patrick Coleman <> [1 patch]

  519. Patraick Ruckstuhl <> [1 patch]

  520. Paolo Compieta <> [1 patch]

  521. Oyvind Stegard <> [1 patch]

  522. Owen Fraser-Green <> [1 patch]

  523. Oscar Fuentes <> [1 patch]

  524. Ori Avtalion <> [2 non-patches]

  525. Ollivier Robert <> [1 patch]

  526. Olivier SARRAT <> [1 patch]

  527. Oleksandr Chumachenko <> [1 patch]

  528. Nils Durner <> [1 patch]

  529. Nikita Slyusarev [1 patch]

  530. Niels de Vos <> [1 patch]

  531. Niels Werensteijn <> [1 patch]

  532. Nicolás Alvarez [1 patch]

  533. Nicolas Vilz <> [1 patch]

  534. Nicolas PAYART <> [1 patch]

  535. Nick <> [2 non-patches]

  536. Nathan Kidd <> [1 patch]

  537. Momchil Velikov <> [1 patch]

  538. Miklos Fazekas <> [1 patch]

  539. Mike Wilcox <> [1 patch]

  540. Mike Watters <> [1 patch]

  541. Mike Fitzmaurice <> [1 patch]

  542. Miha Vitorovic <> [1 patch]

  543. Michał Górny ( [1 patch]

  544. [1 patch]

  545. Michael Wallendahl <> [1 patch]

  546. Michael Sweet <> [1 patch]

  547. Michael Spang <> [1 patch]

  548. Michael S. Liebman <> [1 patch]

  549. Michael Mühlebach <> [1 patch]

  550. Michael Chletsos <>, [1 patch]

  551. Michael Ching <> [1 patch]

  552. Michael Bunk <> [1 patch]

  553. Michael Brouwer <> [1 patch]

  554. McClain Looney <> [1 patch]

  555. Max Bernhardt <> [1 patch]

  556. Mattias Rönnblom <> [1 patch]

  557. Matthias Waller <> [1 patch]

  558. Matthias Bücher [1 patch]

  559. Matthew Van Gundy <> [1 patch]

  560. Matthew Inger <> [1 patch]

  561. Matthew Ford <> [1 patch]

  562. Matthew Burt [1 patch]

  563. Matthew Bentham <> [1 patch]

  564. Matt Lewis <> [1 patch]

  565. Matt Blais <> [1 patch]

  566. Mats Nilsson <> [1 patch]

  567. Mat Booth <> [1 patch]

  568. Masatake YAMATO <> [1 patch]

  569. Martin von Gagern <> [2 non-patches]

  570. Martin Buck <> [1 patch]

  571. Markus Rueckert <> [2 non-patches]

  572. Mark Grosberg <> [1 patch]

  573. Mark Glines <> [1 patch]

  574. Marcos Mayorga <> [1 patch]

  575. Marcin Kasperski <> [1 patch]

  576. Lukas Jirkovsky <> [1 patch]

  577. Louis Guillaume <> [1 patch]

  578. Leonardo Chiquitto Filho <> [1 patch]

  579. Leo Davis <> [1 patch]

  580. Lele Gaifax <> [1 patch]

  581. Lekensteyn <> [1 patch]

  582. Leandro Lucarella <> [1 patch]

  583. Laurent Petit <> [1 patch]

  584. Lars Wendler <> [1 patch]

  585. Larry Streepy <> [1 patch]

  586. LCube - Lars Laehn <> [1 patch]

  587. Kyle George <> [1 patch]

  588. Kumaran Santhanam <> [1 patch]

  589. Kristis Makris <> [1 patch]

  590. Konstantin Kolinko <>, [1 patch]

  591. Kieran <> [1 patch]

  592. Kevinm <> [1 patch]

  593. Kevin P. Fleming <> [1 patch]

  594. Kevin Benton <> [1 patch]

  595. Ken Case <> [1 patch]

  596. Ken Allan <> [1 patch]

  597. Keith Coleman <> [1 patch]

  598. Keegan Dunn <> [1 patch]

  599. Kean Johnston <> [1 patch]

  600. Kazutoshi Satoda <> [1 patch]

  601. Kasia Trapszo <> [1 patch]

  602. Karl Chen <> [1 patch]

  603. Karl Berry [2 non-patches]

  604. Kang Jeong-Hee <> [1 patch]

  605. [1 patch]

  606. Justin Vallon <> [1 patch]

  607. Julien Duponchelle <> [1 patch]

  608. João M. S. Silva <> [1 patch]

  609. Josh Knowles <> [1 patch]

  610. Josh Gilkerson <> [1 patch]

  611. Joseph Dane <> [1 patch]

  612. Josef Wolf <> [1 patch]

  613. Jorge Canas <> [1 patch]

  614. Jonathan M. Manning <> [1 patch]

  615. Jonathan Guy <jonathan.guy at> [1 patch]

  616. Jonas Borgstrom <> [1 patch]

  617. Jon Trowbridge <> [1 patch]

  618. John Goerzen <> [1 patch]

  619. John Barstow <> [1 patch]

  620. Johannes von Rotz (jr {AT} [1 patch]

  621. Johan Sundström <> [1 patch]

  622. Joel N. Weber II [2 non-patches]

  623. Joe Rozner <> [1 patch]

  624. Jochen Wiedmann <> [1 patch]

  625. Jimmy Casey <> [1 patch]

  626. Jesper Louis Andersen <> [1 patch]

  627. Jesper Hammarbäck <> [1 patch]

  628. Jeroen Moors <> [1 patch]

  629. Jeremy Bettis <> (jeremybettis) [1 patch] (partial committer)

  630. Jennifer Bevan <> [1 patch]

  631. Jeff Squyres <> [1 patch]

  632. Jeff Bowden <> [1 patch]

  633. Jean-Marc Godbout <> [1 patch]

  634. Jean-Frederic Clere <> [1 patch]

  635. Jean-Claude Antonio <> [1 patch]

  636. Jarl Friis <> [1 patch]

  637. Jari Aalto <> [1 patch]

  638. Janos Gyerik <> [1 patch]

  639. James Goodall <> [1 patch]

  640. James Fang <> [1 patch]

  641. James Abbatiello <> [1 patch]

  642. Jakub Wilk <> [2 non-patches]

  643. Jakub Adam <> [1 patch]

  644. Jacek Materna <> [1 patch]

  645. Jaap DeHaan <> [1 patch]

  646. J Robert Ray <> [1 patch]

  647. Ivan Krasilnikov <> [1 patch]

  648. Igor Galić <> [1 patch]

  649. Ian P. Cardenas <> [1 patch]

  650. Ian Miller [1 patch]

  651. Ian Darwin <> [1 patch]

  652. IKURA Yoshio <> [2 non-patches]

  653. Hynek Schlawack <> [1 patch]

  654. Hugo Bastos Weber [1 patch]

  655. Hugo [1 patch]

  656. Holger Thon <ht_gentoo04> [1 patch]

  657. Hiroharu Tamaru <> [1 patch]

  658. Hilco Wijbenga <> [1 patch]

  659. Hernán Martínez Foffani <> [2 non-patches]

  660. Henning Schmiedehausen [1 patch]

  661. Helmut Grohne <> [1 patch]

  662. Hamilton Link <> [1 patch]

  663. HAYASHI, Shinpei <> [1 patch]

  664. Gustavo Chaves <> [2 non-patches]

  665. Guido Ostkamp <> [1 patch]

  666. Gregary Hendricks <> [1 patch]

  667. Greg Price <> [1 patch]

  668. Greg Noel <> [1 patch]

  669. Greg Lutz <> [1 patch]

  670. Glen Cooper <> [1 patch]

  671. George Wieggers <> [1 patch]

  672. Gavin 'Beau' Baumanis <> [1 patch]

  673. Gary Wolfe <> [1 patch]

  674. From: Phil Bordelon <> [1 patch]

  675. Fredrik Fornwall (fredrik at fornwall net) [1 patch]

  676. Florin Iucha <> [1 patch]

  677. Fergus Slorach <> [2 non-patches]

  678. Fabrice Fontaine [1 patch]

  679. Evgeny Roubinchtein <> [1 patch]

  680. Evan Easton <> [1 patch]

  681. Erik Johansson <> [1 patch]

  682. Erik Abele <> [1 patch]

  683. Eric M. Hopper <> [1 patch]

  684. Emmanuel Bourg <> [1 patch]

  685. Eirik Bjørsnøs <> [1 patch]

  686. Edward Marshall <> [1 patch]

  687. Ed Korthof <> [1 patch]

  688. Dustin Lang <> [1 patch]

  689. Duncan Murdoch <> [1 patch]

  690. Doros Agathangelou <> [1 patch]

  691. Donald Gordon <> [1 patch]

  692. Dominik Guder <> [1 patch]

  693. Dmitry Pavlenko <pavlenko{_AT_} [1 patch]

  694. Dmitry Bakshaev <dab18 {at} izhnet ru> [1 patch]

  695. Dirk Thomas <> [1 patch]

  696. Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos <> [1 patch]

  697. Derbeth <> [1 patch]

  698. David Ripton <> [1 patch]

  699. David Remahl <> [1 patch]

  700. David O'Shea <> [1 patch]

  701. David Mankin <> [1 patch]

  702. David Goodger <> [1 patch]

  703. David Darj <> [1 patch]

  704. David Binderman [2 non-patches]

  705. David Barr <> [1 patch]

  706. David Ayers <> [1 patch]

  707. Daniel Wilkerson <> [1 patch]

  708. Daniel Torreblanca <> [1 patch]

  709. Daniel Sahlberg <daniel.l.sahlberg {_AT_}> [1 patch]

  710. Daniel Roßberg (danielmrossberg {AT} gmail dot com) [1 patch]

  711. Dani Church <> [1 patch]

  712. Dan Engel <> [1 patch]

  713. Dan Cross <> [1 patch]

  714. Damien Miller <> [1 patch]

  715. Dag-Erling Smorgrav <> [1 patch]

  716. D. J. Hagberg <> [1 patch]

  717. Célio Cidral Junior <> [1 patch]

  718. Curtis Pew <> [1 patch]

  719. Craig Howard <> [1 patch]

  720. Corregan Brown <> [1 patch]

  721. Corey Trager <> [1 patch]

  722. Collin Winter <> [1 patch]

  723. Cliff Stanford <> [1 patch]

  724. Claus Brunzema <> [1 patch]

  725. Christopher Pavicich <> [1 patch]

  726. Christopher Boumenot <> [1 patch]

  727. Christoph Conrad <> [1 patch]

  728. Christoph Biedl <> [1 patch]

  729. Christian Stork <> [2 non-patches]

  730. Christian Sauer <> [1 patch]

  731. Christian Rodemeyer <> [1 patch]

  732. Christian Ferbar <> [1 patch]

  733. Chris Lesniewski-Laas <ctl@MIT.EDU> [1 patch]

  734. Chris Frost <> [1 patch]

  735. Charles Duffy <> [1 patch]

  736. Chad Nouis <> [1 patch]

  737. Carlos Martín Nieto <cmn\ at \> [1 patch]

  738. Bryan Dyck <> [1 patch]

  739. Bruce DeVisser <> [2 non-patches]

  740. Brian Neal <> [1 patch]

  741. Brian Danilko <> [1 patch]

  742. Brett Randall <> [1 patch]

  743. Brandon Moon [1 patch]

  744. Boris Lytochkin <lytboris at yandex-team ru> [1 patch]

  745. Bob Denny <> [1 patch]

  746. Blake Nicholson <> [1 patch]

  747. Bert [2 non-patches]

  748. Bernhard Übelacker <> [1 patch]

  749. Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <> [1 patch]

  750. Bern McCarty <> [1 patch]

  751. Berin Babcock-McConnell <> [1 patch]

  752. Benoit Xhenseval [1 patch]

  753. Benjamin Reed <> [1 patch]

  754. Ben Reeves <> [1 patch]

  755. Ben Laurie <> [1 patch]

  756. Ben Elliston <> [1 patch]

  757. Bastian Blank <> [1 patch]

  758. Bastiaan Veelo <> [1 patch]

  759. Bart Robinson <> [1 patch]

  760. Barry Pederson <> [1 patch]

  761. Azhagu Selvan SP <> [1 patch]

  762. Autrijus Tang <> [1 patch]

  763. Aron Gombas <> [1 patch]

  764. Arnout van Meer <> [2 non-patches]

  765. Arnout Standaert <> [1 patch]

  766. Arlie Davis <> [1 patch]

  767. Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <> [1 patch]

  768. Arild Fines <> [1 patch]

  769. Anton Hadinger <> [1 patch]

  770. Anil A. Pal <> [1 patch]

  771. Andy McCarty <> [1 patch]

  772. Andriy Kulchytskyy <> [1 patch]

  773. Andrew Roughan <> [1 patch]

  774. Andrew Pimlott <> [1 patch]

  775. Andrei Faber <> [1 patch]

  776. Andreas Richter <> [1 patch]

  777. Andreas Kreß <> [1 patch]

  778. Andreas J Koenig <> [1 patch]

  779. Andreas Angelides <> [1 patch]

  780. Andrea Pescetti <> [1 patch]

  781. Andre Malo <> [1 patch]

  782. Andre Deparade <> [1 patch]

  783. Anatoly Paraev <> [1 patch]

  784. Anatol Pomozov <> [1 patch]

  785. Amit Aronovitch <> [1 patch]

  786. Alfred Perlstein <> [1 patch]

  787. Alexis Huxley <> [1 patch]

  788. Alexander Sabourenkov <> [1 patch]

  789. Alexander Malysh <> [1 patch]

  790. Alexander Gun <> [1 patch]

  791. Alexander Dreweke <> [1 patch]

  792. Alex Siyanko <> [1 patch]

  793. Alex Newman <> [1 patch]

  794. Alec Kloss <alec.kloss at> [1 patch]

  795. Alan Spencer <> [2 non-patches]

  796. Al Tobey <> [1 patch]

  797. "plasma" <> [1 patch]

  798. "Kousik Nandy" <> [1 patch]

  799. "Husterer, Thomas RD-CP1" <> [2 non-patches]

  800. "Floyd Price" <> [1 patch]

  801. "Brown, Jonathan W" <> [2 non-patches]

  802. 黄磊 <> [1 non-patch]

  803. [1 non-patch]

  804. ycdtosa [1 non-patch]

  805. wolfgang.ztoeg web de [1 non-patch]

  806. wib_jonas on the #svn IRC channel [1 non-patch]

  807. warnings buildbots. [1 non-patch]

  808. using 'tools/dev/' [1 non-patch]

  809. troycurtisjr, brane [1 non-patch]

  810. the centos buildbot [1 non-patch]

  811. svn-x64-macosx-fsfs-v6 buildbot [1 non-patch]

  812. svn-x64-centos-gcc [1 non-patch]

  813. svn-warnings buildbot [1 non-patch]

  814. svn-slik-w2k3-x64-local [1 non-patch]

  815. subhadarsan das <> [1 non-patch]

  816. stuart updegrave <> [1 non-patch]

  817. stsp, brane, philip [1 non-patch]

  818. stsp (svn_cmdline__edit_file_externally) [1 non-patch]

  819. stsp (applying order of file name conversion) [1 non-patch]

  820. someone on the #svn IRC channel, some time ago [1 non-patch]

  821. someone else but I forget whom, please tweak if you know [1 non-patch]

  822. sanity [1 non-patch]

  823. rhuijben, brane [1 non-patch]

  824. [1 non-patch]

  825. philip. [1 non-patch]

  826. philip's compiler [1 non-patch]

  827. philip (via GCC). [1 non-patch]

  828. pfleg [1 non-patch]

  829. pctony [1 non-patch]

  830. [1 non-patch]

  831. nucc1 [1 non-patch]

  832. nathanhartman [1 non-patch]

  833. my compiler [1 non-patch]

  834. mbischoff (reported on IRC) [1 non-patch]

  835. mattdoran <> [1 non-patch]

  836. martin__ in #svn on Freenode [1 non-patch]

  837. loren jan wilson <> [1 non-patch]

  838. [1 non-patch]

  839. karl berry [1 non-patch]

  840. julian [1 non-patch]

  841. [1 non-patch]

  842. javahl tests [1 non-patch]

  843. [1 non-patch]

  844. [1 non-patch]

  845. [1 non-patch]

  846. hartmannathan (native macosx build) [1 non-patch]

  847. gstein's compiler [1 non-patch]

  848. gcc [1 non-patch]

  849. g "commentary. \n appendix." stein [1 non-patch]

  850. fs-test.c [1 non-patch]

  851. frantisek holop [1 non-patch]

  852. [1 non-patch]

  853. drecute on #svn IRC [1 non-patch]

  854. dev@ [1 non-patch]

  855. darix [1 non-patch]

  856. dannas (who said he really likes git log -p) [1 non-patch]

  857. danielsh, hartmannathan [1 non-patch]

  858. danielsh (svn_fs_fs__l2p_index_append) [1 non-patch]

  859. danielsh (reference of revision number) [1 non-patch]

  860. danielsh (partial review) [1 non-patch]

  861. danielsh ( [1 non-patch]

  862. danielsh ( [1 non-patch]

  863. danielsh (earlier versions of the patch) [1 non-patch]

  864. ctags [1 non-patch]

  865. [1 non-patch]

  866. [1 non-patch]

  867. buildbot [1 non-patch]

  868. brane. [1 non-patch]

  869. brane (indentation) [1 non-patch]

  870. benny-innofaith (in #svn IRC) [1 non-patch]

  871. bb-openbsd buildbot [1 non-patch]

  872. [1 non-patch]

  873. astieger (earlier version) [1 non-patch]

  874. all buildbots [1 non-patch]

  875. Zing <> [1 non-patch]

  876. Yves Bergeron <> [1 non-patch]

  877. Yunal Li <> [1 non-patch]

  878. Yangxufeng Zhao <> [1 non-patch]

  879. Windows Buildbot [1 non-patch]

  880. Vladimïr Marek <> [1 non-patch]

  881. Visual Studio 2015 [1 non-patch]

  882. Visual C++ 2015 CTP6. [1 non-patch]

  883. Vinícius Muniz [1 non-patch]

  884. Vadim Goryunov [1 non-patch]

  885. Ursula Schedel [1 non-patch]

  886. Ulrich Eckhardt [1 non-patch]

  887. Ulf Lamping <> [1 non-patch]

  888. Ulf Ejlertsson <> [1 non-patch]

  889. Troy Straszheim <> [1 non-patch]

  890. Troy Heber <> [1 non-patch]

  891. Trevor Johns <> [1 non-patch]

  892. Travis Cripps <> [1 non-patch]

  893. Tony Butt <> [1 non-patch]

  894. Tomáš Bihary [1 non-patch]

  895. Tomas Stupka <> [1 non-patch]

  896. Tino Schwarze <> [1 non-patch]

  897. Timo Sirainen <> [1 non-patch]

  898. Thomas Singer <> [1 non-patch]

  899. Thomas Petazzoni [1 non-patch]

  900. Thomas Deutschmann [1 non-patch]

  901. The warning buildbot [1 non-patch]

  902. The SharpSvn test suite [1 non-patch]

  903. Talden <> [1 non-patch]

  904. Søren Thing Andersen [1 non-patch]

  905. SumoJim [1 non-patch]

  906. Steven Simpson via users@ [1 non-patch]

  907. Steven Siano <> [1 non-patch]

  908. Steven J. Murdoch <> [1 non-patch]

  909. Steven Barbaglia [1 non-patch]

  910. Steve Hay <> [1 non-patch]

  911. Steve Benigan <> [1 non-patch]

  912. Stephen Meechan <> [1 non-patch]

  913. Stefan Richter <> [1 non-patch]

  914. Skip Montanaro <> [1 non-patch]

  915. SharpSvn buildbot [1 non-patch]

  916. Shane Turner <> [1 non-patch]

  917. Sebastian Dransfeld <> [1 non-patch]

  918. Sean Farrell <> [1 non-patch]

  919. Scott Palmer <> [1 non-patch]

  920. Scott Lenser <> [1 non-patch]

  921. Scott Hendrickson [1 non-patch]

  922. Santiago Gala <> [1 non-patch]

  923. Samuel Kotel Bisbee-vonKaufmann [1 non-patch]

  924. Sam James <sam at gentoo dot org> [1 non-patch]

  925. Ryan Holbrook <> [1 non-patch]

  926. Ryan Barrett <> [1 non-patch]

  927. Ruediger Pluem (rpluem {_AT_} [1 non-patch]

  928. Roy Mammen <> [1 non-patch]

  929. Ronald Taneza <> [1 non-patch]

  930. Ron Blaschke <> [1 non-patch]

  931. Robert M. Zigweid [1 non-patch]

  932. Robert Jakob [1 non-patch]

  933. Robert Allan Zeh <> [1 non-patch]

  934. Rob Kooper [1 non-patch]

  935. Richlv [1 non-patch]

  936. Richard Hipp <> [1 non-patch]

  937. Richard Brady <> [1 non-patch]

  938. Ricardo Nunez [1 non-patch]

  939. QXO <> [1 non-patch]

  940. Purple Streak <> [1 non-patch]

  941. Phillipe Bruhat <> [1 non-patch]

  942. Peter Johnson <> [1 non-patch]

  943. Peter Johansson <> [1 non-patch]

  944. Peter Ericson <> [1 non-patch]

  945. Peter Dalbadie <> [1 non-patch]

  946. Peter Balogh [1 non-patch]

  947. Pete Harlan <> [1 non-patch]

  948. Per Winkvist <> [1 non-patch]

  949. Per Larsson [1 non-patch]

  950. Pedro Zorzenon Neto <> [1 non-patch]

  951. Paweł Sikora <> [1 non-patch]

  952. Paul Puschmann <> [1 non-patch]

  953. Patrick Steinhardt (patrick.steinhardt at [1 non-patch]

  954. Pascal d'Hermilly <> [1 non-patch]

  955. Panu Outinen <> [1 non-patch]

  956. Olof Oberg <> [1 non-patch]

  957. Olli Hauer <> [1 non-patch]

  958. Olivier DAVY <> [1 non-patch]

  959. Oliver Rutherfurd <> [1 non-patch]

  960. Olaf van der Spek <OvdSpek@LIACS.NL> [1 non-patch]

  961. Norbert Preining [1 non-patch]

  962. Niluge KiWi <> [1 non-patch]

  963. Nils-Johan Andreasson [1 non-patch]

  964. Nikolaus Demmel <> [1 non-patch]

  965. Nick Chadwick [1 non-patch]

  966. Neil Bird <> [1 non-patch]

  967. Myria <> [1 non-patch]

  968. Miles Crawford <> [1 non-patch]

  969. Mikhail Veltishchev <> [1 non-patch]

  970. Mikhail Terekhov <> [1 non-patch]

  971. Mike Coyne <> [1 non-patch]

  972. Michal Matyl <> [1 non-patch]

  973. Michael Susser <> [1 non-patch]

  974. Michael Rytting [1 non-patch]

  975. Michael Ruder [1 non-patch]

  976. Michael Diers [1 non-patch]

  977. Michael Cree <> [1 non-patch]

  978. Mayuresh Rajwadkar <> [1 non-patch]

  979. Maximilian Machedon <> [1 non-patch]

  980. Matthias Vorwerk [1 non-patch]

  981. Matthias Bendewald [1 non-patch]

  982. Matthew L. Creech <> [1 non-patch]

  983. Matthew E. Porter <> [1 non-patch]

  984. Matt McHenry <> [1 non-patch]

  985. Mats Fors <> [1 non-patch]

  986. Mathieu Peltier <> [1 non-patch]

  987. Mary Jane Lemur <> [1 non-patch]

  988. [1 non-patch]

  989. Martin Fuchs <> [1 non-patch]

  990. Marshall Schor [1 non-patch]

  991. Markus Fuchs <> [1 non-patch]

  992. Mark Ziesemer <> [1 non-patch]

  993. Mark Poole <> [1 non-patch]

  994. Mark Irving <> [1 non-patch]

  995. Mark Hanson <> [1 non-patch]

  996. Mark E. Hamilton <> [1 non-patch]

  997. [1 non-patch]

  998. Marcel Molina Jr. <> [1 non-patch]

  999. Manfred Friedrich <> [1 non-patch]

  1000. Mamoru TASAKA (mtasaka {_AT_} fedoraproject (dot) org) [1 non-patch]

  1001. Malte Schirmacher [1 non-patch]

  1002. Malcolm [1 non-patch]

  1003. MacOS warnings buildbot. [1 non-patch]

  1004. Lunch [1 non-patch]

  1005. Lorenz <> [1 non-patch]

  1006. Lorenz (lorenznl -@T- [1 non-patch]

  1007. Loic Calvez <> [1 non-patch]

  1008. Lisa L <> [1 non-patch]

  1009. Lieven [1 non-patch]

  1010. Liam Healy <> [1 non-patch]

  1011. Liam Gretton <> [1 non-patch]

  1012. Lev Serebryakov <lev {_AT_}> [1 non-patch]

  1013. Leo Katzenstein <> [1 non-patch]

  1014. Leo Davis [1] [1 non-patch]

  1015. Last Superpower ("Albert") <> [1 non-patch]

  1016. Lars Josephsen <> [1 non-patch]

  1017. Larry Baird <> [1 non-patch]

  1018. Lares Moreau <> [1 non-patch]

  1019. Laila Cory Rall [1 non-patch]

  1020. Kylo Ginsberg <> [1 non-patch]

  1021. Kristian Kauper <> [1 non-patch]

  1022. Kenshi Muto <> [1 non-patch]

  1023. Ken MacInnis <> [1 non-patch]

  1024. Keith Bostic <> [1 non-patch]

  1025. Kay Abendroth <> [1 non-patch]

  1026. Karl Burkett <> [1 non-patch]

  1027. Kapil Hari Paranjape [1 non-patch]

  1028. Kamesh [1 non-patch]

  1029. Justin Finkelstein <> [1 non-patch]

  1030. Julien Schueller (schueller {_AT_} [2] [1 non-patch]

  1031. Jostein Chr. Andersen <> [1 non-patch]

  1032. Joshua Oreman <> [1 non-patch]

  1033. Jonathan Guy [1 non-patch]

  1034. Johnathan Kupferer <> [1 non-patch]

  1035. John Smith <> [1 non-patch]

  1036. John Nicol <> [1 non-patch]

  1037. John Chambers <> [1 non-patch]

  1038. Johannes Fahrenkrug <> [1 non-patch]

  1039. Joey Smith <> [1 non-patch]

  1040. Joe Drew <> [1 non-patch]

  1041. Jitka Plesnikova (jplesnik {_AT_} [1 non-patch]

  1042. Jens Christian Restemeier [1 non-patch]

  1043. Jeffrey Klein <> [1 non-patch]

  1044. Jeff Putsch <> [1 non-patch]

  1045. Jeff Hemmelgarn <> [1 non-patch]

  1046. Jean-Michel Kelbert <> [1 non-patch]

  1047. Jean-Daniel Dupas <> [1 non-patch]

  1048. Jean-Baptiste Quenot <> [1 non-patch]

  1049. Jason Kealey <> [1 non-patch]

  1050. Janus Weil [1 non-patch]

  1051. Janne Johansson <> [1 non-patch]

  1052. Jan Smets (via #svn IRC) [1 non-patch]

  1053. James Van Artsdalen <> [1 non-patch]

  1054. J Prince <> [1 non-patch]

  1055. Issac Goldstand <> [1 non-patch]

  1056. Ian Burrell <> [1 non-patch]

  1057. Hisashi Morita [1 non-patch]

  1058. Hanno Böck <> [1 non-patch]

  1059. Hamid Jahanzad <> [1 non-patch]

  1060. Guido van Rossum <> [1 non-patch]

  1061. Greg "forgotten all of my swig mojo over the past decade" Stein [1 non-patch]

  1062. George Schizas <> [1 non-patch]

  1063. Geoffrey C. Speicher <> [1 non-patch]

  1064. Geoff Rowell <> [1 non-patch]

  1065. FreeBSD gcc [1 non-patch]

  1066. Franz Sirl <> [1 non-patch]

  1067. Frank Rast <> [1 non-patch]

  1068. Frank Loeffler <> [1 non-patch]

  1069. Frank Küster <> [1 non-patch]

  1070. Francis Daly [1 non-patch]

  1071. Francesco Montorsi [1 non-patch]

  1072. Francesco <francesco policastro {at} fastwebnet it> [1 non-patch]

  1073. Florin <> [1 non-patch]

  1074. Ferenc Kovacs <> [1 non-patch]

  1075. Faheem Mitha <> [1 non-patch]

  1076. Fabian Cenedese <> [1 non-patch]

  1077. Evan Wee <> [1 non-patch]

  1078. Erik Scrafford <> [1 non-patch]

  1079. Erik Karulf <> [1 non-patch]

  1080. Eric Wadsworth <> [1 non-patch]

  1081. Eric Paire <> [1 non-patch]

  1082. Eric Berge <> [1 non-patch]

  1083. Erez Zarum <> [1 non-patch]

  1084. Ennio <> [1 non-patch]

  1085. Edward Ned Harvey <> [1 non-patch]

  1086. Edsger Dijkstra [1 non-patch]

  1087. Dylan McNamee <> [1 non-patch]

  1088. Douglas Mencken <> [1 non-patch]

  1089. Doug Robinson at wandisco com [1 non-patch]

  1090. Doug Robinson (doug.robinson {AT} [1 non-patch]

  1091. Dorian Taylor <> [1 non-patch]

  1092. Dmitry Konyshev <> [1 non-patch]

  1093. Dirck Blaskey <> [1 non-patch]

  1094. Dietmar Buerkle <> [1 non-patch]

  1095. Derek Wallace <> [1 non-patch]

  1096. Dennis Lundberg <> [1 non-patch]

  1097. Dennis Hendriks <> [1 non-patch]

  1098. David Sitsky <> [1 non-patch]

  1099. David Rothenberger <> [1 non-patch]

  1100. David Rice <> [1 non-patch]

  1101. David Resnick <> [1 non-patch]

  1102. David Matthews <david matthews at metoffice gov uk> [1 non-patch]

  1103. Dave Steinberg <> [1 non-patch]

  1104. Dave Huang <> [1 non-patch]

  1105. Danil Shopyrin danil a@t [1 non-patch]

  1106. Daniel Klíma <> [1 non-patch]

  1107. Dang Nguyen <> [1 non-patch]

  1108. Damien Deville <> [1 non-patch]

  1109. Daiki Ueno [1 non-patch]

  1110. Dag-Erling Smørgrav <> [1 non-patch]

  1111. Cristian Amarie <> [1 non-patch]

  1112. Cristi BALAN <> [1 non-patch]

  1113. CollabNet QA [1 non-patch]

  1114. Clemens Gruber [1 non-patch]

  1115. Clang 10 memory sanitizer [1 non-patch]

  1116. Christophe Labouisse <> [1 non-patch]

  1117. Christof Meerald <> [1 non-patch]

  1118. Christian Zangl [1 non-patch]

  1119. Christian Boos <> [1 non-patch]

  1120. Chris Roberts <> (HaikuPorts) [1 non-patch]

  1121. Chris Nagele <> [1 non-patch]

  1122. Chris Moore <> [1 non-patch]

  1123. Chris <> [1 non-patch]

  1124. Changwoo Ryu <> [1 non-patch]

  1125. Chad Whitacre <> [1 non-patch]

  1126. Casual Trash <> [1 non-patch]

  1127. Carsten Koch <> [1 non-patch]

  1128. Brian Leonard [1 non-patch]

  1129. Brian Behlendorf [1 non-patch]

  1130. Brett Gerhardi <> [1 non-patch]

  1131. Braden Anderson <> [1 non-patch]

  1132. Bob Jenkins <> [1 non-patch]

  1133. Bert. [1 non-patch]

  1134. Bernd Kreuss <> [1 non-patch]

  1135. Benjamin Peterson <> [1 non-patch]

  1136. Benjamin A. Okopnik [1 non-patch]

  1137. Ben Gollmer <> [1 non-patch]

  1138. Baybora Aksoy <> [1 non-patch]

  1139. Bas_Smit in #svn [1 non-patch]

  1140. Barry Scott (barry {_AT_} barrys-emacs (dot) org) [1 non-patch]

  1141. Axel Kollmorgen <> [1 non-patch]

  1142. Attila Nagy [1 non-patch]

  1143. Antti Simola <asimola78 _{AT}_ gmail com> [1 non-patch]

  1144. Anton Yuzhaninov <> [1 non-patch]

  1145. Anonymous AnkhSVN user [1 non-patch]

  1146. Angela Thomas <> [1 non-patch]

  1147. Andy Levy <> [1 non-patch]

  1148. Andrés G. Aragoneses [1 non-patch]

  1149. Andrey <> [1 non-patch]

  1150. Andrew vonderLuft <> [1 non-patch]

  1151. Andrew Ryan <> [1 non-patch]

  1152. Andrew Reedick [1 non-patch]

  1153. Andrew Cilia <> [1 non-patch]

  1154. Andreas Schultz <> [1 non-patch]

  1155. Anders Kvist <> [1 non-patch]

  1156. Alx <> [1 non-patch]

  1157. Alexandre Pique <> [1 non-patch]

  1158. Alexandra N. Kossovs [1 non-patch]

  1159. Alexander Lüders <> [1 non-patch]

  1160. Alex Zepeda <> [1 non-patch]

  1161. Alex Blewitt <> [1 non-patch]

  1162. Alan Modra [1 non-patch]

  1163. Adam Mercer <> [1 non-patch]

  1164. Ace Olszowka [1 non-patch]

  1165. A. McClure [1 non-patch]

  1166. @jplesnik on Github, [1 non-patch]

  1167. <GezwiZ> in #svn IRC [1 non-patch]

  1168. "Matthews, David" <> [1 non-patch]

  1169. "Matthew England" <> [1 non-patch]

  1170. "Leeuw van der, Tim" <> [1 non-patch]

  1171. "Chris AtLee" <> [1 non-patch]